Kas yra karate? Kas yra tradicinis karate? Ar tai stilius? O kas yra stilius? Kontaktinis ne kontaktinis? Karate ar karate do, o gal karate mi, fa, sol.... ir dar krūva įvairiausių mitų ir nesąmonių šiandien tapusių tiesomis, kurios yra neatsiejamos nuo karate vardo :)
Taigi atsakymai į šiuos ir dar daugiau klausimų, pasakojimai apie legendinius karate mokytojus, kuriuos Giedrius pažino asmeniškai ir gana iš arti jau šį penktadienį (balandžio 8 dieną) 18.00 val. Saviugdos centre "Seido".
Paskaita skirta klubo "Lūšis" lankytojams, jų tėveliams.
Būtina registracija: info@karatedo.ltJei turite klausimų, drąsiai skambinkite: 8 685 20355.
With a CNC machine, the prototype turns into prepared for use on completion of the fabrication process. Both CNC machining and 3D printing are used to create prototypes from a digital file. CNC machining is taken into account subtractive manufacturing—that is, a process whereby three-dimensional objects are created by chopping away from a strong block of fabric. Rather than relying on stay operators to control the manufacturing functions, CNC machining features pre-programmed software program and consoles that oversee the movement of the manufacturing unit tools at play. The process CNC machining could be deployed to watch a broad vary of machinery—including but not restricted to grinders, mills, and routers—through a selected set of prompts. Our CNC panel machining middle fashions produced with superior INO Machinery R&D technology, with processes such as high precision aluminum composite panel chopping and grouting.